1. Single Page Business Card Type Website
Most businesses recognise the need for a web address. But some new businesses are not ready for a full website or they have no real content to place on their website. In this situation we can create a single page website, with some information about what you do and your full contact details, including a simple contact form.
Single Page website price from £250
One Page websites using impressive Parallax Scrolling effects which is a single page website that utilizes clean sections and simple font. As you move down the page, information glides in from each side.
2. Four or Five Web Pages in an Online Brochure Format where the material is supplied by you and no interactivity is involved.
This is a standard website with four or five pages such as home page, about us, products, contact details, inquiry form, etc, where you provide the required content and no consultancy is involved. Aimed at new and established business, this package includes a custom design to set your company apart from the rest. This is our most popular package.
Four or Five Page website price will cost about £350 – £450. SEO cost would be around £100 extra for the entire website.
3. Approximately Ten Web Pages on a Small or Medium Business Website
This would be with more pages illustrating products and services and perhaps including portfolio or client testimonial details. If required it would also include an online inquiry form asking the questions you specify to help generate business. Search Engine Optimisation would be included.
Ten Page website price will be from £500 – £800.
4. Full Ecommerce Website with Administration Area
Whether you are wanting to be the next amazon or you’re simply looking to sell your own products or services we have it covered. CT Web Design has over 12 years experience of integrating Commerce platforms into your Site.
We can Design a full Ecommerce site with shopping cart setup to to take online credit card payments. This can include a user friendly website administration area . The admin area is accessible online via a user ID and password.
Shopping Cart and Ecommerce website prices start from £800 to around £2300 with our standard solution coming in at £1200. This would normally include onsite search engine optimisation
All websites are guaranteed to be mobile friendly as the majority of surfing continues to increase on either smart phones or tablets. Over 60% of surfers will abandon your website if it isn’t mobile friendly.